Artist Statement I made this whole song from scratch. Obviously, these are not my vocals. I used a vocal pack that I thought fit the book's overall feeling. The song talks about a “kingdom” which I interpreted as the apartment and how no one but the people can have it. The song then says, Slowly we will synchronize To each other since all time Losing our identity Another wheel in the machine I took this as the people in the apartment becoming one with each other because of the situation that they are in. They are all part of the USSR machine within the book. They are also in an apartment building that doesn’t exist which is why I added the part about “losing our identity.” I dream at night of shadows that I can’t define Reflections of the thoughts that I let in Whispers under icy breath from time to time Only lets the bad guys win I added these lyrics to the song because I thought that a lot of the book resonated with this. From the KBG agent to zaya, there were a lot of things going on through whispers. The “bad” guys ultimately lost one could say. The bad guys of course being the entirety of the soviet union. However, the next two verses of the song build on the fact that the USSR falling was a good and bad thing. EGO You're only looking out for yourself EGO The only one invited to this party Ego in the verse is in reference to the soviet union and how they thought that it would never fall. The next verse then goes on to talk about how nothing really changed. The apartment building ended up collapsing and while life got slightly better, it really didn’t change much. No, and nothing ever really changes Just power down and start again No, and nothing ever really changes Just power down and start again I then repeated the first lyrics because at the end of it all, there is no kingdom without the people that are in it. Everyone is entitled to rights and freedoms
Our Kingdom, We fight to protect it
Our Kingdom, won’t let nobody have it
Slowly we will synchronize
To each other since all time
Losing our identity
Another wheel in the machine
Slowly we will synchronize
To each other since all time
Losing our identity
Another wheel in the machine
I dream at night of shadows that I can’t define
Reflections of the thoughts that I let in
Whispers under icy breath from time to time
Only lets the bad guys win
EGO You're only looking out for yourself
EGO The only one invited to this party
No, and nothing ever really changes
Just power down and start again
No, and nothing ever really changes
Just power down and start again
Our Kingdom, We fight to protect it
Our Kingdom, won’t let nobody have it